chmod +x
), and copy it to somewhere in your PATH (e.g. to /usr/local/bin/
Basic usage is /path/to/tiles/root
(change the path as appropriate)
(quiet) to suppress this.
flag (verbose) to have the rename commands displayed as they are run.
flag (no-act) to not actually do any renaming; this is useful as a sanity check.
#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2015 Alexander Hajnal # # Usage # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # /path/to/tiles/root [ -q ] [ -v ] [ -n ] # # -q -> Quieter output # -v -> Verbose output # -n -> Don't actually do any renaming, instead just say what would be done # # Root directory should contain the numbered level directories (0..23). # Note that this script does _not_ check which file naming convention is # currently being used. # Warranty # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # I make no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect # the behavior of this script, its quality, performance, accuracy, merchantability, # or fitness for a particular purpose. This script is provided 'as is', and # you, by making use thereof, are assuming the entire risk. That said, # I hope you this script useful. Have fun! Usage() { echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/tiles/root [ -q ] [ -v ] [ -n ]" echo "Rename tiles from Google Maps/OpenStreetMap format to Tile Map Service format" echo "Copyright 2015 Alexander Hajnal" echo echo "-q -> Quieter output" echo "-v -> Verbose output" echo "-n -> Don't actually do any renaming, instead just say what would be done" echo echo "Root directory should contain the numbered level directories (0..23)." echo "Note that this script does _not_ check which file naming convention is " echo "currently being used." } if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then Usage exit fi ROOT=`echo "$1"|sed 's/\/*$//'` VERBOSE=0 QUIET=0 NO_ACT=0 if [[ $2 == '-v' || $3 == '-v' || $4 == '-v' ]] ; then VERBOSE=1 fi if [[ $2 == '-q' || $3 == '-q' || $4 == '-q' ]] ; then QUIET=1 fi if [[ $2 == '-n' || $3 == '-n' || $4 == '-n' ]] ; then NO_ACT=1 fi if [[ ! -d "$ROOT" ]]; then echo "FATAL: \`$ROOT' is not a directory" echo Usage exit fi ProcessImageLevel() { SUBLEVEL_PATH=$1 if [[ $QUIET == 0 ]] ; then echo "$SUBLEVEL_PATH" fi ls "$SUBLEVEL_PATH" | while IFS= read entry; do if [ -f "$SUBLEVEL_PATH/$entry" ]; then # Only process files... image_regex='^([0-9]+)(\..+)?$' if [[ $entry =~ $image_regex ]] ; then # ...that look like valid tiles ( NUMBERS or NUMBERS.EXTENSION ) y=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} ext=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} new_y=$(((1<<zoom) - y - 1)) if [[ $NO_ACT == 1 || $VERBOSE == 1 ]] ; then echo mv \""$ROOT"/$zoom/$x/$y$ext\" \""$ROOT"/$zoom/$x/$new_y$ext\" fi if [[ $NO_ACT == 0 ]] ; then mv "$ROOT/$zoom/$x/$y$ext" "$ROOT/$zoom/$x/$new_y$ext" fi fi fi done } ProcessTopLevel() { LEVEL_PATH=$1 ls "$LEVEL_PATH" | while IFS= read x; do if [ -d "$LEVEL_PATH/$x" ]; then # Only process directories... numbers_regex='^[0-9]+$' if [[ $x =~ $numbers_regex ]] ; then # ...consisting of all numbers ProcessImageLevel "$LEVEL_PATH/$x" fi fi done } if [[ $QUIET == 0 ]] ; then echo "Renaming tiles in $ROOT" fi ls "$ROOT" | while IFS= read zoom; do if [ -d "$ROOT/$zoom" ]; then # Only process directories... regex='^([0-9])|([1-9][0-9]))$' if [[ $zoom =~ $regex ]] ; then # ...numbered from 0 through 99 ProcessTopLevel "$ROOT/$zoom" fi fi done