Audio Related Sites
- Rose &
Gracey's Antiques - A store "specializing in pre-1929
spring-driven phonographs & talking machines." Needles, parts,
books, memorabilia and restoration services also available. Be sure to
check out the phonograph
- The
Victor Pages - This was a really nicely done site with lots of stuff
about the Victor Talking Machine including history, Real Audio sound clips,
Victor factory tour, and more. This site (formerly hosted by UBS Musicom Productions) has been
down for quite a long time. If anyone knows the site's new location or knows how to reach the
site's author please email me. Thanks.
Helmut Weber's Gramophone Hobby Page - Early sound clips, information
on dating 78 rpm records, a massive page of links and more.
- Wolverine
Antique Music Society - "formed for the promotion,
preservation and proliferation of music originally recorded using analog
means at 78 revolutions per minute, (or there abouts)." Of particular
interest are the 78-related
text files.
- Tim Gracyk's
Home Page - Info about vintage recordings and bios of the
people who recorded them.
- Restoring
Your Victrola's Appearance- A DIY project
- P & L
Antiques & Collectibles - Sale, repair, and restoration
of antique phonographs. Also audio cassette copies of vintage music.
- Nipperscape
- A page devoted to the canine we all know and love.
- Bill's
Clock Shop - Repair and tuning of various brands of antique
- Canadian
Antique Phonograph Society - This is actually the Society's
link page featuring pointers to lots of great sites.
- Flapper Music - A peek at what music meant in the 20's and a nice selection of popular tunes in RealAudio format.
78's on Cassette
- MC
Productions - Over 200 cassette tapes available covering
various Jazz Age genres. You might also want to look at their downloadable
20's music database.
- Old Time Music Page
- Cassette recordings of various genres of music from the 20's and earlier.
Real Audio previews of each track are available.
- P
& L Antiques & Collectibles - 65 cassettes available
covering various genres from 1900 to 1940
- Vintage
Cassettes - Jazz, dance, vocals, vaudeville, opera, and
more from the 20's. Some tracks previewable using Real Audio.

This website's intention is solely for educational
and personal entertainment use only.
Victor, Victrola, Nipper, Red Seal, Orthophonic, "His
Master's Voice" and logo contained herein are registered patents,
copyrights, trademarks and/or service marks of Victor Talking Machine Company,
later known as RCA-Victor Company, and RCA Victor Corporation.